Friday, March 29, 2013

Insanity (mostly) week 1

I realize there is still a day left of insanity I have to accomplish for this week BUT I just have to share how my week has been so far.

See this picture below?

This is only a little smidgen of how my week has been. Hair bows, binky clips, bow ties, bows, bows bows, bows and so on. I have been extremely busy with Easter this week in my shop and I love it! 

Best part is somehow I have still found time to work out in between all the sewing and hot gluing. 

I seriously feel amazing after finishing this week. Life isn't going to slow down much and I will still have a million reasons to not workout but you know what? I do it anyways and always feel better afterwards. 

Except for one thing: 

Wednesday I get this bright idea that I should run 1.5 miles all over my VERY hilly neighborhood while pushing my 15 pound child in her stroller. Then after a meeting I had in the evening I ever so smartly decided to complete my insanity for the day. Can you say dumb?! Note to self: don't ever, never ever run your fastest mile while pushing the stroller and then attempt a 40 minute workout. You will die. And fall on the floor the last 10 minutes of insanity because your legs are shaking. 

Other than that my week has gone well and I've made it through each day successfully. 

If anyone is thinking of trying insanity I wouldn't just jump right in if you have never worked out. I mean you could, but it's super hard and I am just glad my body is somewhat used to being pushed to it's limits and then some. 

Now, everyone have a fab Easter weekend! Eat some treats (you know I am) and remember what the day is really for! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated by my cute blog friend Ashley over at Work That Ash. Basically we are best blog friends... or I just decided we are because I think she is wonderful and inspiring so you should go check out her blog! 

Basically this award is to help other bloggers get to know your blog and to pass it on to other bloggers! 

First let me tell you a little bit about myself. 

1. I was born and raised in Utah. I love it here! I am nervous to move out to Missouri to start med school with my husband but am also very excited. If I die in a tornado though I will haunt my husband for the rest of his life. (I am terrified or tornadoes! haha) 

2. Our daughter is Oakley Rae and she is the light of our lives. I get super emotional just talking about her because she saved me. I never knew love, happiness, joy, or peace until she came into it. I don't know why I was so blessed to have a baby when others are not but I don't take a day for granted. Love that little stinker. 

3. I've traveled a lot in my life. I was blessed to be taken on many vacations growing up. I've been to a lot of states and a few different countries! 

4. I have two different sized thumbs. It's the truth. I can't post a picture right now because well, how would I take the picture. The thumb on my right hand looks like a toe and freaks people out. No it didn't get chopped off. Baby I was born this way. (gaga anyone?) 

5. I graduated from Weber State University in 2012 while I was 20 weeks pregnant in Family Studies. Very fitting I guess. But really I loved my degree and the knowledge it equipped me with to become a better parent. 

6. I wish a lot of times that I would have majored in dance. I should have just followed my heart and done it. Instead I just taught little kids dance. Loved it!

7. I got married May 4th 2010 to a boy I didn't think I would even be super close friends with because we weren't interested in one another at all. Funny how things work out.

8. I hate to clean. There I said it. I hate hate hate it. Yes I enjoy having a clean home but I will choose just about anything over chores. SO you guessed it, my house is a disaster right now. 

9. I recently started a little business and I love it. A year ago I could hardly work a sewing machine and didn't even know how to crochet and now I sell the items I make. I am self taught on everything I do! 

10. If a recipe has more than about 4-5 items in it you can bet I probably won't make it. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

11. I am a TV-aholic. But I am recovering (kinda). 

I love fun questions and my cute husband helped me answer these (some of his answers were hilarious). I put both my answers and what he thought would be my answer. What a cute guy. 

1. Where is your favorite place to visit?
Mine: Park City   Aust says : St George. Definitely top two places in the world. Also if you don't know what those are they are in Utah and just about the best places in the world. 

2. What is your guilty pleasure?
Mine: Well lately it's been eating treats aka brownies. Yum!  Austin says: Dexter. Yes, I admit it, I watch dexter so there. 

3. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Mine: Rue 21, for some reason their pants fit my body shape the best. Aust says: Sears only because I've been to sears twice in the last 2 weeks to look at HRM so I guess it's now my favorite? 

4. If you could buy anything at this moment what would it be?
Mine: A nice Heart Rate Monitor, lots of cute shoes and workout clothes.  Aust says: What wouldn't you buy? haha but he said a house. ehhh I would probably buy clothes ;) 

5. Who is your inspiration?
Mine: I am inspired by so many people. I couldn't just name one I don't think. Aust says: Himself haha

6. What is your favorite T.V. show? 
Mine: Grey's Anatomy  Austin says: some dumb reality show
Nothing beats out greys in my book. I am obsessed with that show. 

7. If you could be one person for a day who would it be?
Mine: I said Oprah because she has a crap ton of money and can do whatever she wants. 

8. Where is your dream vacation?
Mine: Italy. I've dreamed of going there forever and a day. Austin says: Somewhere with a beach. That is definitely my second choice! 

9. What song are you really into right now?
Mine: Mumford and Sons. The entire album. Anddd that new Rihanna song Stay. Austin says: That mumford and whatever. 

10.  What annoys you?
Mine: Rude people (Like that lady who literally took the cardigan out of my hands at old navy today and just walked off. Oh I was going to freak!) Dirty socks in my front room (cough husbands socks cough)  Austin Says: What doesn't annoy you? Yeahhhh apparently I get annoyed a lot or something?

11. What would your super power be?
Mine: I said I would want to be Katniss. Austins says that she isn't a super power and I said well she should be. I basically have a girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence... ok way off topic. I would go invisible! 

Now for my questions: 
1. What is your favorite thing about where you live? 
2. If you could have any job what would you do? 
3. What is the best vacation you have ever been on? 
4. What is something quirky about you that not a lot of people know? 
5. What is your favorite movie and why? 
6. Who is your celebrity crush? 
7. What is your least favorite food? 
8. Favorite place to go eat? 
9. Favorite ice cream flavor? (maybe I just really like food posts ok!?) 
10. Morning or night person? 
11. Favorite Sport? 

I nominate: 

Nichole @ Casa de Crews
Sonya @ Healthy Sew 
Meredith @ Is This Thing On?
Emily @ Osborne

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Right after I was given the all clear to start working out I started insanity. I think that was the absolute worst idea I have ever had. I hadn't worked out in 5 months before that time and I foolishly thought I could just jump right in and complete the 60 days. I needed to start slow. So I completed about a week and realized I wasn't ready physically or mentally. 

So I did little workouts here and there to get my body back. I will give Jillian Michaels credit. She got my body ready to start insanity. 

February I completed the 30 day shred. Loved it. Felt great afterwards and saw good results. 

March (I know it's not over haha oh well) I (almost) completed ripped in 30 and you know what? I look the same. My measurements are the same. I don't even understand how in the world that is possible but whatever. 

SO I decided instead of waiting until next monday to start insanity I would start last night. And so I did. 

I compared my fit test scores from the first time I did it months ago and I more than doubled some of them. Felt great knowing that even if my body doesn't want to let it go I am getting stronger. 

I will be blogging about my whole experience. The good, the bad, the hard, and the triumphs. 

Completing day two and actually doing the entire workout was amazing. Before I could barely get through the warm up. Now I am right there with everyone all the way to the stretching at the end. Definitely feel like I am in beast mode. 

My sister gets married June 28th. I have a dance recital June 8th (yes I still take an alumni class. Let me tell you, trying to leap with an extra 35 pounds is not even remotely easy.) Basically June is when I need to be rockin! 

Recap of my weekend: 

Ate this delicious homemade burrito topped with lettuce and avocado. 

Bought these amazingly comfortable running shoes. Makes running a million times better. 

Drank this delicious berry, banana, and vanilla creme protein shake. Yummy!  

My husband and I thought we would have a major cheat weekend. So we had pizza with our friends on Saturday and got a bunch of candy that we never ever ever ever buy. Well we both ate like 4 pieces (I got diet dr shasta) and we were done. We've been eating so good that candy made us sick! So our cheat weekend turned into a not so cheat weekend. 

I love salad. Especially with lots of veggies and chicken. 

Here is to the next 60 days of hard work and eating right! 

Friday, March 22, 2013


This post involves nursing. You know when you are pregnant and you gain a lot of weight and you looked like a beached whale? No? Just me? Anyways, everyone and their dog and their grandmas dog tells you that nursing will help you lose weight. So, a flame of hope rises up inside you and you get really excited that maybe these extra 50 pounds will fall off easier than you thought. All it takes is your little babe nursing to slim right back down. Right? Everyone has heard that!? Well I am here to tell you... WRONG! I was given such false hope. Yes I know I was on bedrest but I still thought I might AT LEAST lose 10-20 pounds of water weight. I mean after all, I was beyond swollen. Especially after I had miss Oakley. I looked like they pumped half the Atlantic ocean into my veins. Yes it was bad and we all got a good laugh about it. 

I understand that everyone is different and even after the baby and I had only lost 8 pounds (she was 6.2) everyone then started telling me that it takes a while for the last 10 pounds to come off. Well let me tell you something hunny, I had about 10+30 pounds that won't come off. 

6 weeks post partum hit and I started working out. I could hardly even do high knees without jumping. I cried many many many tears of sadness because I was at my strongest and weakest all within the same year. I went from a size 4 to a size 16 in only a matter of months. Talk about depressing. 

But you know what? I did it all for my little baby. She is worth every extra pound and stretch mark. 

I miss nursing. I really do. Do I like finally feeling a little more comfortable in my skin? Absolutely! But I sure do miss it. Being heavier is not comfortable. I could hardly touch my toes or do much because I had extra weight every where holding me back but I loved being able to nurse my baby. 

You know what else? I have lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks. Yes you read that right. 13 freakin pounds! 

Basically to sum up this insanely random post is this: Nursing is wonderful. Having a baby is wonderful. Next time I won't get my hopes up when I can't lose the baby weight and hopefully this post helps someone else who is struggling with the same thing. (Or is it just my body who won't lose while nursing?!)

Sick of seeing pictures of my baby yet? haha I just love her! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Runners High

Before I got pregnant I completed my first 5k. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to some people but to me it was a freakin miracle. I've always hated running. I had never ran over 1.5 miles in my life and the only reason I did so was because of volleyball conditioning.

Well I am training for a 5k again and let me tell you, I have finally felt that runners high. To push through your limits and go farther than you think you could go is amazing. No I am not running 12 miles (yet) but I am working my way up to that 3.2 miles. I am almost there!

Today I ran over 2 miles in record time for me. My stupid gps on my phone keeps going out so I am going to have to break down and buy something that works better because I can't stand not knowing how fast I am running my miles. Drive. Me. Crazy.

I also wore my cute new outfit I purchased for my 5k for only $18 bucks! I am still in the search for shoes but I only have so much money to work with and can't bear the though of buying new shoes and heart rate monitor right now.

Now, go get your bums to JCP and buy some cute workout gear. Makes running that much more fun! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Much needed motivation!

Well I am now down 8 pounds since I stopped nursing. Talk about an awesome feeling after months of trying to lose just one pound. I lost 8 in 2 weeks! My highest weight was 194. I was stuck at 184-186 for what felt like forever. I am now rocking 177 and fitting back into some size 8 clothes. Something I never thought was possible. All my jeans are falling off me but my hips don't quite fit into my pre pregnancy pants yet so it looks like I get to go shopping.

My chest has also gotten smaller since I stopped nursing which I actually like. Going from a B to a DD (too much information? Oh well haha) was really hard! None of my shirts fit me right. Now that they have gone down a little I can start wearing more of my closet again instead of the same five shirts over and over.

I even put on a skirt I haven't worn over a year and was able to zip and snap it over my hips! Talk about a big confidence boost. It really helped me to stop being in a slump and want to work hard so I can rock that skirt to church in a few weeks.

Overall I am loving being able to feel my body getting stronger. I couldn't even do high knees when I started working out in October and now I can do them for a minute plus and still do the rest of my workout. Wahoo!

And now a picture of my cute baby since I keep posting pictureless posts and those are boringggggg

She is the reason I live and breath. This little girl has changed my whole life and I want to be healthy for her. It's not about being skinny and having a hot body (although achieving that is a plus). It's about showing her that being healthy and active is important and so she will know that her mom will be around for a very long time because she is choosing to live a healthy lifestyle! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Isn't it just ironic how when I couldn't work out (ie: nursing, 6 week recovery, hurt shoulder) I had all the motivation in the world. I probably could have gone and ran a marathon any of those times with the anticipation of my next sweat sesh. Ok I exaggerate but you get the idea on how I was dying to workout.

Now that I am capable of doing basically anything I want, besides some shoulder and knee stuff, I have about no desire. On a scale of 1-10 I have a -5. It's that bad.

I lost 6 pounds the week I stopped nursing. So all those people who said nursing would help me lose weight can eat there words because I GAINED weight nursing. Yes, even with healthy eating and light exercise. My body hates me. I digress.

Why oh why can't I find my motivation or get my groove back? I don't even care to sit on the couch and eat cookies. I just don't want to work out after a long day. I am feeling so lazy!

I have been doing my workouts but not enjoying them one tiny little bit. Maybe I've had an over load of Jillian Michaels. Who knows.

All I know is that once I dropped back into the 170's I think my mind automatically thought I am doing good. I don't need to work out everyday.

So blogland, give me some of your favorite workouts because if I have to listen to Jillian Michaels one more time I might break my TV.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

new shoes

I'm getting back into running and let me tell you... I'm slow. My mile is in 11 minutes. Yeah, embarrassing. But I live in a very hilly area so i blame that. Amazingly I can run 1.5 miles without stopping. That's a start. My goal is to run a 5k on April 20th and a 10k sometime in June. That sounds like death because I hate running but it's still a goal... Anyways my question for anyone reading this, what shoes should I buy?? I am in need of some good ones because I'm hoping to put a lot of miles on them!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Etsy Shop

Here is my etsy shop.

 I also post a lot on my face book page :) 

So scary to do this. I am way out of my comfort zone but I did it!