Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Much needed motivation!

Well I am now down 8 pounds since I stopped nursing. Talk about an awesome feeling after months of trying to lose just one pound. I lost 8 in 2 weeks! My highest weight was 194. I was stuck at 184-186 for what felt like forever. I am now rocking 177 and fitting back into some size 8 clothes. Something I never thought was possible. All my jeans are falling off me but my hips don't quite fit into my pre pregnancy pants yet so it looks like I get to go shopping.

My chest has also gotten smaller since I stopped nursing which I actually like. Going from a B to a DD (too much information? Oh well haha) was really hard! None of my shirts fit me right. Now that they have gone down a little I can start wearing more of my closet again instead of the same five shirts over and over.

I even put on a skirt I haven't worn over a year and was able to zip and snap it over my hips! Talk about a big confidence boost. It really helped me to stop being in a slump and want to work hard so I can rock that skirt to church in a few weeks.

Overall I am loving being able to feel my body getting stronger. I couldn't even do high knees when I started working out in October and now I can do them for a minute plus and still do the rest of my workout. Wahoo!

And now a picture of my cute baby since I keep posting pictureless posts and those are boringggggg

She is the reason I live and breath. This little girl has changed my whole life and I want to be healthy for her. It's not about being skinny and having a hot body (although achieving that is a plus). It's about showing her that being healthy and active is important and so she will know that her mom will be around for a very long time because she is choosing to live a healthy lifestyle! 


  1. You're awesome!! And you little girl is so beautiful! My ovaries are aching to create life! haha

  2. Congrats on the weight loss, that is awesome!! And isn't it amazing how a tiny little person can change your whole outlook on life? She is absolutely adorable, by the way. :)

    -- Emily @


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