Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Here we go

Taking a blogging break was actually really nice for me. I miss documenting my progress but I needed a break. Some clarity to help me get other people out of my head and just to focus on me. To tell myself that I am doing enough, I am being enough, because I am enough! I was getting too involved in the blog world and it needed to end.

Currently weighing in at 168.2. Reallllllly hoping to hit 150's by the end of the month. It's a stretch but a goal!

Best part of my workouts lately is that my husband is doing them with me. 2 years into this whole ordeal (1 year of that spent being pregnant) and he finally has jumped on board the healthy train with me. I think it's an understatement when I say I LOVEEEEEE it. Yes, that much.

We got passes to golds gym and purchased a months worth of day care. Every day we get a date and it's fantastic! Plus we are working hard together and it's bringing us closer together. Seriously, the best.

I will leave this crazy random post with a picture of November to now. Makes me realize just how far I've come because whenever I look in the mirror I keep seeing the old me. This is helping me see the new me.


  1. Wow! You look amazing! Keep it up girlie!

  2. Girl you're looking great! And it's not too much of a stretch to hope to lose 8 pounds by the end of the month. That's actually my goal too. Let's do this together!!


Always be kind. Thanks for reading!