Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm Out

A week ago I was all smiles and taking these pictures:

This was me as of yesterday...

(yessss I have a messy home but we are moving and I don't care)

Here are the details. 1 hurt rotator cuff, 1 hurt bicep cuff (different shoulders), 1 knee with tendonitis or what the doc calls jumpers knee. 

I am down. wayyyy down. Pretty upset about not even being able to do anything. I hurt my left shoulder doing Jillian in Feb. Now I've jacked everything up. 

No insanity, no running, squats, weights, jumping jacks, nothing. 

I can't even talk about it. I'm emotional and upset. I can't go back to who I was. I just can't. Exercise is a part of my every single day. I don' tenjoy  my rest days and now I am forced to take a lot of them. 

I start physical therapy Monday and barely talked my doctor into letting me run my 5k next weekend. 
How do you deal with so much injury?? I seriously feel extremely down. 

1 comment:

  1. Take some rest time and heal up properly so you can get back to it! Don't be afraid to slow it down to heal your body.


Always be kind. Thanks for reading!